Introducing our Fresh Food Access Fund

Bennington Community Market prides itself on a culture of welcoming all people in the community. To foster the economic dignity of people living with food insecurity, the Board has developed the Fresh Food Access Fund. The Fund supplies Market gift cards to organizations that directly serve people living with food insecurity so that clients may use them for unrestricted shopping. In addition to fostering economic dignity within our community the Fund creates a strong relationship between the Market and organizations in Bennington that work with our must vulnerable populations.

Establishing and Maintaining the Fresh Food Access Fund

$5,000 of the Bennington Community Market general fund was earmarked to establish the Fund. Because this is an ongoing initiative, individuals can donate directly to the Fund. Shoppers can round up to the next dollar when checking out and this money will go into The Fund. Finally, 15% of each yearly membership fee goes into the Fund.

How The Fund Works

Whenever the balance in the Fresh Food Access Fund reaches $5000 the Bennington Community Market will acquire gift cards in the amount of $10 and $50 and provide these cards to Greater Bennington Community Services (GBCS), Support and Services at Home (SASH), Sunrise Family Center, and Project Against Violent Encounters (PAVE). These organizations will work with clients to assist those experiencing food insecurity.

The Market and these organizations will meet regularly to assess how the Fund is working and continue to support members of our community.